There are countless non-fatal work injuries in Ohio each year. Roughly half of them are minor, so the worker will recover and only miss a little work. However, many workers in Ohio will suffer a workplace injury or illness, which leaves them to deal with permanent physical damage. Things like Traumatic Brain Injuries and post-traumatic stress disorder could affect their daily and work activities.
Ultimately, permanent partial disability (PPD) benefits are there to compensate injured workers for such permanent damage. They are part of the workers' compensation benefits options available from the Ohio workers' compensation system.

Choose a Lawyer
Understanding how permanent partial disability benefits work for Ohio workers is essential. This article explains this and also helps victims understand the advantages of working with a lawyer, such as the ones at Schuerger Shunnarah Trial Attorneys. They can also answer questions like What is the premises liability law in Ohio?
What Are Permanent Partial Disability Benefits?
If a work incident leads to loss of range of motion, permanent pain, decreased strength, and other symptoms, victims are entitled to receive a permanent partial disability award. The amount will vary based on the injury's severity.
Victims who suffer a work-related injury that caused permanent damage must understand their rights. Therefore, it's wise to work with an Ohio workers' compensation attorney. They will ensure the injured worker receives the benefits they deserve after reaching maximum medical improvement because of a workplace injury or occupational disease.
Unlike the total permanent disability, one doesn't have to be completely unable to work or disabled to receive the PPD benefits.
When Does One File for Permanent Partial Disability Benefits?
Permanent partial disability coverage will start after filing an application. Knowing when to do this is crucial. Here are the rules:
One can file the application for permanent partial disability 26 weeks after the date they last received a payment for wage loss compensation or temporary total disability.
If there was no payment for temporary total disability or any other claims, the victim has 26 weeks from the injury date to file.
How Permanent Partial Disability Works in Ohio
Once the PPD application gets filed, the Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation (BWC) schedules the victim for an independent medical exam.
The percentage of partial permanent impairment gets based initially on the findings from the medical examination. After the exam, the BWC issues an order for the percentage of partial permanent impairment that the victim is entitled to because of their injury.
The Formula
Ultimately, injured Ohio workers get two weeks of permanent partial disability compensation for each one percent of permanent partial impairment. Therefore, a 10 percent PPD award would entitle the injured worker to 20 full weeks of compensation.
The PPD Rate
The PPD award is generally paid at a rate of 66 2/3 percent of the statewide average weekly wage, which is paid in one lump sum. Even though it's paid in one lump sum, the award isn't a settlement of the claim. Payment of the PPD award will extend through the life of the claim for five more years.
What to Do If One Doesn't Agree with the Permanent Partial Disability Award Granted in the Impairment Rating
If the employee disagrees with the BWC's determination of the percentage of permanent partial disability, they can file their objection for 20 days after receiving the tentative order. When this happens, the BWC will schedule a hearing with the Industrial Commission of Ohio.
Ultimately, the Industrial Commission considers the medical evidence and will make the determination for permanent partial disability compensation. Once it makes the final determination, the BWC pays the permanent partial disability (PPD) benefits indicated.
Why Are the Impairment Rating and Medical Exam Important?
The medical examination and the impairment rating are crucial for getting permanent partial disability benefits. A small rating change could significantly and negatively impact the compensation the injured worker receives. Likewise, there should be no shame in challenging the rate if the employee believes it's too low. There is a 20-day limit for filing an objection.
If the worker objects to the amount, they will have a hearing with the Industrial Commission. This entity will hear the claim and offer up a ruling. Ultimately, the ruling is final and cannot be appealed.
Why Is It Important to Hire an Attorney for Permanent Partial Disability Benefits?
Having an attorney who understands the workers' compensation claim process will ensure that the employee receives the full permanent partial disability award they are entitled to get. Likewise, the Cincinnati workers compensation attorneys will:
File an objection
Represent the victim at any hearings
Obtain medical evidence to support the application
Prepare and file other documents
Gather evidence
Secure expert witnesses
This ensures that the worker receives the PPD benefits they deserve.
How to File the Worker's Compensation Claim for PPD Benefits
Overall, all other workers' compensation payments will end before injured workers file for PPD benefits. The benefits get calculated based on the percentage of impairment caused by the work-related illness or injury.
Workers can apply for permanent partial disability benefits by filing the Application for Determination of the Percent/Increase in Permanent Partial Disability. The form is called a C-92, and it's filed 26 weeks after other payments have stopped or 26 weeks from the injury date if no other compensation was paid.

Types of Injuries Eligible for a PPD Benefit
After suffering a permanent impairment because of a work-related incident, victims could be eligible for PPD benefits. Ultimately, it is designed to cover many medical conditions, including:
Knee injuries
Loss of limbs
Hearing loss
Vision loss (one eye)
Nerve damage
Back injury
PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder)
Joint injuries
Respiratory diseases
Repetitive stress injuries
Traumatic Brain Injuries
Why Contact Schuerger Shunnarah Trial Attorneys
After receiving a permanent injury because of a work-related accident, it's crucial to hire a qualified attorney. They'll be able explain how much compensation for death at work in Ohio. They will be on the employee's side, ensuring that they file a workers' compensation claim and request permanent partial disability benefits when the time comes.
Ultimately, Schuerger Shunnarah Trial Attorneys goes to war for Cincy. The lawyers here have the experience necessary to protect the client's rights and ensure that they receive the PPD benefits they deserve. To schedule a free consultation or to learn more about PPD, use the online form or call today!