The National Safety Council reported that pedestrians accounted for around 17% of all traffic-related fatalities in 2021, with a recent NPR report estimating more than 7,500 pedestrian deaths across the United States in 2022.
Most drivers fail to understand the right of way and how the law works. This can put pedestrians at risk of accidents. Schuerger Shunnarah Trial Attorneys have recovered more than $1 billion in compensatory damages from negligent parties and can help injured victims get the compensation they deserve.
Those who have suffered injuries while crossing a street or walking on the road should reach out to the experts at Schuerger Shunnarah Trial Attorneys, as they can protect their rights and guide them on their legal options.

Ohio Pedestrian Accident Statistics
According to the Governors Highway Safety Association, 166 pedestrians died in 2022, which is a 2.9% decrease in the number of pedestrian fatalities since 2021.
While the numbers have fallen, there has been a surge in pedestrian deaths over the past decade. These statistics are extremely alarming, and the number of pedestrians injured exceeds the total amount of fatalities recorded in 2022.
It's essential for drivers and pedestrians to know the state rules and right-of-way laws to prevent accidents from happening.
Understanding the Right of Way Laws
It can be challenging for people in Ohio to wrap their heads around the right-of-way laws, as these may vary from one place to another.
Even if a pedestrian knows the local rules, others may not, which still puts them at risk of accidents. It's essential to exercise caution and be aware of one's surroundings before crossing a road or walking on a street.
Although pedestrians may have the right of way in most situations in Ohio, there are certain places where they must yield to oncoming drivers.
Do Pedestrians Always Have the Right of Way in Ohio?
There are certain situations in which the Ohio law gives pedestrians the right of way over motor vehicles, some of which include the following:
When a person is walking on a sidewalk;
On a marked crosswalk or a crossing at adjacent intersections when the traffic control signals provided by the state give pedestrians the go-ahead;
When a pedestrian crosses a street or road by taking the shortest route to the opposite curb unless there is a crosswalk;
The Ohio law allows blind persons with guide dogs to always have the right of way;
When a pedestrian is crossing from the opposite half of a street where the traffic control signals do not work properly;
On a pedestrian crossing, when the traffic control signals are not operational; and
When a car is yielding the right of way for a pedestrian on a marked or unmarked crosswalk at an intersection, the driver of any other vehicle approaching from the rear cannot bypass or overtake the stopped vehicle.
Another important thing to note is that the law does not allow pedestrians or bystanders to solicit rides or business from motorists. A person cannot stand on a roadway or street for the purpose of a sale or guarding an automobile while such vehicle is parked or about to be parked.
Although pedestrians have the right of way in the above-mentioned situations, they must exercise extreme caution when crossing streets or roads and avoid entering an approaching vehicle's path.
When Do Drivers Have the Right of Way in Ohio?
The following are some situations where drivers have the right of way over pedestrians:
An unmarked crosswalk;
At marked crosswalks where official traffic control devices do not indicate a crossing for pedestrians;
Drivers within an intersection, even if the crossing signal is green for the pedestrians;
Roads or streets with a pedestrian tunnel or overhead pedestrian crossing;
When pedestrians fail to use the crosswalk at an intersection and instead cross diagonally;
Drivers making a right turn at a red light; and
Public safety vehicles that have the sirens and flashing lights on.
While the drivers must follow the above-mentioned guidelines, they must also exercise proper precaution and yield the right of way if there is a child or confused or incapacitated person on the street or road.
Who Is Responsible for a Pedestrian Crossing Accident?
All parties, including drivers and pedestrians, must yield the right of way when required. Failure to operate a vehicle in accordance with the laws could lead to liability for which the driver may be liable.
However, there may be a situation where the pedestrian fails to adhere to the road rules and enters the crossing. If that happens, they may be responsible for the accident caused.
It's important to note that there may be other parties responsible for the pedestrian crossing accident, such as a car manufacturer for installing defective brakes in the vehicle or a government agency that fails to maintain the condition of the roads.

How Can an Ohio Personal Injury Attorney Help Pursue Legal Action?
Whether it is overtaking stopped vehicles or crossing a marked crosswalk, navigating the right-of-way laws can be challenging. This is even more so after the recent changes in the traffic rules, which have made it difficult for jurors to determine the at-fault party in the event of an accident. It's crucial for the injured victims to reach out to experienced pedestrian injury attorney in Cincinnati.
Schuerger Shunnarah Trial Attorneys have deep knowledge of the local traffic rules and the state's right-of-way laws. They can help assess the facts surrounding the accident case, investigate the incident to determine the liable party, and pursue legal action to get the injured victim the compensation they deserve.
Schuerger Shunnarah Trial Attorneys Can Guide the Injured Victims on the Ohio Right-of-way Laws!
Most pedestrians often fail to pursue legal action or face pressure from insurance companies, as they are unaware of their rights and the right-of-way laws in Ohio.
Fortunately, Schuerger Shunnarah Trial Attorneys have decades of experience handling greedy insurers and holding negligent parties accountable for their actions and answer questions like Whose fault is it if a self driving car hits a pedestrian?
Those who have suffered injuries in a pedestrian accident in Cincinnati, Ohio, should call to schedule a free consultation with the experienced Schuerger Shunnarah Trial Attorneys. They can assess their case and build a strong claim, increasing the injured victim's chances of recovering maximum compensation! They can also advise on what happens if you hit a pedestrian jaywalking in Ohio.